Like what do you think of the news you know that Sarah we are like on a first name basis already she doesn't know but do think about her resigning as governor of Alaska and not like she is moving to Russia or anything and she sure did show them a thing or two about and her kids you know they shouldn't have done that that is just wrong and two million dollars nothing so you know she had to but it was a senseless baseless attack and then her children it just has to be a point she looks good don't you think and the four people were watching her I was horrified they didn't even react what language do they speak in Alaska you know so it was time for the point guard to take the ball by the horns and make the call do you know her number so you know now she will have time there was two years left in her term but for the kids and Tigger so now she doesn't know you know what she will do but the lower forty can give her time to make to contributions eight this moment in time what time zone is Alaska are those ducks and geese in the background someone get my gun and now she will have the flexibility to wasn't she a cheerleader you know do all the things that need to be done now this moment because she can do a back flip and those are just lame ducks so I won't need my gun you know so never mind and so you know should all lame ducks just resign so there are no more politicians as usual or politics either because she can make a difference this moment in time this is her moment and the point guard can't dribble it all away especially if she's lame so you know this is a good thing not looking back no time you know this is the moment in time that she was looking forward to now and then before so her friends shouldn't feel bad her kids you know what they did so this is a great time for the country.
Who is Sarah Palin? You know! lol